Friday, October 16, 2020
1-3PM ET
2-4PM CT
3-5PM MT
4-6PM PT
Laboratory for Suburbia launched with the first in a series of online “Sprawl Sessions”—public exchanges considering strategies for site-specific art and tactical design in the complex spaces of 21st-century suburbia.
The inaugural discussion, Sprawl Session 1: White Suburbias, was held against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic, racial justice uprisings, and the presidential election—all events that pointed insistently toward suburban landscapes of power—and considered the possibilities and challenges for interventionist art and design practice in predominantly white suburban spaces. Featured discussants included architects Keith Krumwiede and Bryony Roberts, artists Eric Gottesman (For Freedoms), Sarah Paulsen, Dread Scott and lauren woods, historian Walter Johnson, and Gavin Kroeber, lead organizer for Laboratory for Suburbia.